Dark Avenger Spritist
Back ground:
The Dark Avenger Spiritst is a combination of the Fire elementalist's Nuking capabalities, the Necro's curses and the Mesmer's strength.It's Wrath is way too powerful than other classes can resist. Their patron Gods are Balthazar and Grenth.
1) Fire Manipulation: DA control all of the surrounding fire locations using them for his/her power
2)Fire Wisdom: creation of fire and then using it in destructive causes.
3) Dark Wisdom: Destructive Necromantic kind of magic. creating shadow storms and using undead spirits and creatures in defeating your foes.
4) Blood rage: Necromantic sacrifice attributes. Sacrifice health and energy to destroy your opponents then healing 100% of your lost health after defeating your oponnent.
5)Rage of Dwayna: Using the surroundings to destroy your opponents skills, energy and health.